Lifestages of a rabbit
The different lifestages of a rabbit, how long they live, how age influences behaviour, and how to care for rabbits from youth to old age...
The different lifestages of a rabbit, how long they live, how age influences behaviour, and how to care for rabbits from youth to old age...
Rabbits noises including grunting, honking, growling, sighing, clucking, teeth purring, thumping, sneezing, squealing, screaming
Understand what is going on in your rabbit's head and what emotions it may experience including jealousy, anger, fear, grief, love, irritability and insecurity...
Hierarchy is very important to rabbits; in the wild it is necessary to keep the peace in a large warren and domestic rabbits are also hierarchical, amongst themselves and with us...
Rabbit personality is influenced by age, breed, gender, sex and living conditions. Discovering your rabbit's own unique personality is one of the great joys of rabbit ownership...
Rabbits are crepuscular which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. To a certain extent, domestic rabbits follow this pattern too. This is a typical daily routine for a house rabbit...
Understanding a rabbit's body language and common postures is helpful in building a relationship with your rabbit...
How rabbits relate to each other, their hierarchy and behaviour towards each other and common bonded rabbit behaviour...
Regular exercise is very important for rabbits with a minimum of 4 hours free run a day recommended. You can encourage exercise and prevent boredom by playing games with your rabbit...
How to handle your rabbit, stroking, cuddling and picking up...