Breed profile of the Dwarf Lop rabbit, a British breed similar to the Mini Lop in the USA. This breed is good-natured and playful, although prone to hereditary teeth problems.

The Dwarf Lop in Britain is descended from the first dwarf lops developed in the Netherlands during the 1950s, also known as Holland Lops. A dutch rabbit judge and breeder, Adriann de Cock, is generally credited with developing the Holland Lop. He set out to create a miniature French Lop, by crossing the French Lop with the Netherland Dwarf, and while this did not produce lop-eared rabbits, further cross-breeding with English Lops proved more successful. It was difficult to breed Dwarf Lops that were small enough, yet also had good ear carriage (the Netherland Dwarf influence produced smaller rabbits, and also introduced a wide variety of colours, but resulted in upright ears in many rabbits). Years of careful selective breeding resulted in a rabbit very similar in type to the French Lop yet much smaller, and Holland Lops of around 2kg were first shown in 1964. Holland Lops were imported to Britain in 1970, and selectively bred to produce the small but substantial Dwarf Lop. A breed standard was established, and the Dwarf Lop was recognised by the British Rabbit Council in 1977. Strengthened by further imports of improved Holland Lops from the Netherlands, the Dwarf Lop became very popular in Britain during the 1980s and 90s. The lower weight limit for the Dwarf Lop breed standard was raised in 2000, establishing the Dwarf Lop as a distinctly heavier and more substantial rabbit than the smaller Holland Lops, which became known as Miniature Lops. Despite the recent rise of the Miniature Lop, the Dwarf Lop remains one of the most popular show and pet rabbit breeds. (The Dwarf Lop is most similar to the Mini Lop in the United States, the Miniature Lop in Britain is known as the Holland Lop in the USA).
The Dwarf Lop is a small to medium sized rabbit, weighing around 2-2.3kg (4½-5lbs). Dwarf Lops bred as pets may be larger than 'show' rabbits and weigh up to 3kg (6½lbs).
Dwarf Lops have a substantial build, with a short, thick-set body, rounded haunches and short, strong legs. The broad head has a wide forehead and full cheeks, and broad, thick ears that hang down beside the head.
Dwarf Lops may be self-coloured (solid-coloured) or have white patches on the head, chest and legs.
Dwarf Lops have a dense coat of soft, medium length hair.
White, Black, Blue, Brown, Agouti, Chinchilla, Opal, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke, Sealpoint, Sooty Fawn, Fox, Sable Marten, Fawn, Orange, Steel, Butterfly
Dwarf Lops are generally good-natured and friendly rabbits. They are fairly active, playful, and enjoy the company of people and other rabbits. If introduced properly, they usually get on well with children and other pets.
Special Requirements
Dwarf Lops are prone to dental disease, a potentially fatal condition that is often inherited.
Choose a rabbit with a low risk of hereditary teeth problems, from a reputable breeder or rescue centre.