Breed profile of the French Lop, the largest of the lop-eared breeds. These rabbits have a calm, even temperament and are generally good with children. Good natured and social, they will thrive on interaction with people, as well as with other rabbits.

The French Lop originated in France in the middle of the nineteenth century and was created by crossing the English Lop with wild rabbits and with a type similar to the Flemish Giant. Early French Lops were smaller than those of today and had the natural colouring of wild rabbits, but further crossing with spotted rabbits produced a wider variety of colours and markings. By the end of the nineteenth century the French lop was one of the most successful utility breeds in Europe and today is one of the most popular rabbits in Europe and the United States.
The French Lop is the largest of the lop-eared breeds weighing 4.5-6kg (10-13lbs).
French Lops have a substantial build, with a short, thick-set body, rounded haunches and short, powerful legs. The broad head has a wide forehead and full cheeks, and long, thick ears that hang down beside the head.
French Lops may be self-coloured (solid-coloured) or have white patches on the head, chest and legs (Broken Pattern).
The French Lop has a dense coat of soft, medium length hair.
White, Black, Blue, Brown, Agouti, Opal, Chinchilla, Sooty-fawn, Orange, Fawn, Steel, Siamese Sable, Butterfly / Broken pattern
French Lops have a calm, even temperament and are generally good with children. Good natured and social, they will thrive on interaction with people, as well as with other rabbits. French Lops can be quite playful and will enjoy some simple toys to keep them occupied.