Breed profile of the Mini Lop, an American dwarf lop breed derived from the German Lop, crossed with the Chinchilla. Similar to the Dwarf Lop in the UK, Mini Lops are friendly and enjoy the company of people and other rabbits.
The Mini Lop is descended from the Klein Widder, a dwarf lop breed derived from the German Lop, crossed with the Chinchilla. The first Klein Widder to arrive in America were imported from Germany in 1972 by a Californian breeder, Bob Herschbach, who sought to improve their type. He crossed them with a French Lop and Standard Chinchilla, followed by successive selective breeding to reduce their size. First exhibited in 1974, the Klein Widder still needed improvement to generate more interest in the breed. Changing their name to the Mini Lop, and enlisting the help of other breeders to develop a smaller, more compact type, generated more interest and support. A Mini Lop club was started in 1978, the breed was recognised by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in 1980, and the Mini Lop became very popular during the 1980s and 90s. Despite the recent rise of the smaller Holland Lop, the Mini Lop remains one of the most popular show and pet rabbits. (The Mini Lop in the United States is most similar to the Dwarf Lop in Britain, and the Holland Lop is known as the Miniature Lop in the UK).
The Mini Lop is a small to medium sized rabbit, weighing around 2-3kg (4½-6½lbs).
Mini Lops have a substantial build, with a short, thick-set body, rounded haunches and short, strong legs. The broad head has a wide forehead and full cheeks, and broad, thick ears that hang down beside the head.
Mini Lops may be solid-coloured or have white patches on the head, chest and legs (Broken Pattern).
Mini Lops have a dense coat of soft, medium length hair.
White (red or blue-eyed), Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Orange, Chinchilla, Chestnut Agouti, Lynx, Opal, Broken, Tri-colour
Mini Lops are generally good-natured and friendly rabbits. They are fairly active, playful, and enjoy the company of people and other rabbits. If introduced properly, they usually get on quite well with children and other pets.
Special Requirements
Mini Lops may be prone to dental disease, a potentially fatal condition that is often inherited.
Choose a rabbit with a low risk of hereditary teeth problems, from a reputable breeder or rescue centre.