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Options for the care of your rabbit when you go on holiday. Homecare, boarding, travelling with rabbits...

One of the major difficulties with any pet is finding suitable care for it when you go on holiday.


It is probably safe to say that most pets dislike being away from their familiar surroundings and rabbits are no exception.  If you have to be away from home for a while, the best option is always to ask a friend or neighbour to look after your rabbit "in situ".

Ask your friend or neighbour to come in at least once a day, preferably twice a day, to feed and check on your rabbit.  Leave them instructions on what to feed and when, notes on signs of illness to look out for, and your vet's phone number.  When in doubt, they should phone the vet as a sick rabbit can deteriorate very quickly.

You could also engage the services of a pet sitter, a typical charge is £10 per visit.  Make sure you interview them thoroughly and obtain references.


If you can't find anyone willing to look after your rabbit (and yes, it is a lot to ask of someone!) then boarding is an option.  There are several boarding houses that cater exclusively for rabbits, and even some of the larger cat/dog boarding houses will have seperate areas for rabbits and other small animals, to avoid stressing them with the proximity of cats and dogs.

Make sure that your rabbit is fully up to date with its vaccinations, worming treatments and flea treatments.  Visit the boarding house yourself and ask what their policies are on vaccinations and quiz them on rabbit illnesses and what to look out for - you should get a good idea of whether they know what they are talking about.

Boarding can cost up to £20 a night so it is an expensive option.


If you are travelling by car and the place you are going to allows it, you could always take your rabbit with you.  Make sure your rabbit has enough space in its carrier to stretch out fully and stop every couple of hours for 15 mins or so to let it have a drink of water and rest.  Many rabbits find the noise and vibrations of car journeys stressful so if your rabbit is showing signs of distress i.e. if its heart is racing or it is panting hard, give it longer and more frequent rest stops.

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