Information from Bunnyhugga readers on GI Stasis in their own rabbits, the symptoms, causes and treatment...
Lola Rose, mini lop age 8 months at the time of g.i.
Medical condition:
I went to get Lola out and she seemed limp and not her normal self, she had also developed a small limp on her right hind leg. She stopped eatting, pooping and just wanted to sleep. We rushed her to the emergency vets and spent over £300 to get her back to full health she had lots of tests and scans and it soon showed her gut had shut down she had to get it moving asap!
She was sent home with fibre feed and I sat up all night watching over her, the next day there was no improvement and no poops so she had to go in over night she started passing small poops on day 3 and was sent home as she was very stressed at the vets, once home I syringe fed her fibre feed every 3 hours and on day 7 she was back to pooping and eating, however it took her a good month to get back to her normal self and back to being active.
Harley Quinn, 3 year old Lionhead female.
Medical condition:
GI Stasis, multiple times.
Medications and liquid therapies from the Vet.
Personal experience:
I'm lucky that I have an exotic animal vet in my area. Harley is tiny, maybe 3lbs if that, and has a lot of GI issues. We've found a healthy diet regimen for her (we have a 2year old Holland Lop as well, Duncan, who is a little over 5lbs). Although she gets annoyed when she can't have the same treats as her bunny friend, but it's for the best. A thousand dollars or so added up over a few months of fluctuating issues and I'll tolerate some bunny attitude now and then :D