Home » Rabbits » Estimate of costs

Rabbits are not a particularly cheap pet; this gives an estimate of how much a rabbit will cost you upfront and on an ongoing basis...

As with any pet, there can be considerable costs involved with a rabbit so it's a good idea to know what you are likely to pay upfront and on an ongoing basis before deciding on a rabbit as a pet.

Initial costs

The rabbit £10 - £50 Depends on where you get your rabbit from, often cheaper to adopt
Housing (outdoors)    
Hutch £150 - £250 Depends on size and quality of hutch
Exercise run c. £50 - £100  
Housing (indoors)    
Cage £50 - £130 Depends on size, cheapest option is a dog crate
Litter tray c. £10 A lidded cat litter tray is best
Water bowl or bottle c. £3  
Food bowl c. £3  
Carrier £20 - £30 A strong cardboard box with airholes can be used instead
Consumables £20 - £30 For an initial stock of bedding, hay and dry food
Vet’s consultation fee £20 - £30  
Vaccinations c. £40 VHD and myxomatosis
Neutering (male rabbit) £50 - £60  
Spaying (female rabbit) £90 - £120  


Ongoing costs

Booster vaccinations c. £50 per year Twice yearly for myxomatosis, once yearly for VHD, or once yearly with combined vaccine
Consumables c. £30 per month For one average sized rabbit, bedding, hay, dry food and vegetables


Most pet insurance companies now cover rabbits for an average cost of £10 per month and this can be very useful if your rabbit develops a serious health problem or suffers an injury.  Veterinary fees for rabbits can be as high as for a cat or dog.

Many vets now also recommend a worming treatment, Panacur, as a preventative against the potentially fatal disease of E. Cuniculi.  Panacur can be bought from petshops and costs around £10 per application.  It must be given for 28 days and during this time the rabbit is still potentially shedding E.C spores so must be kept seperate from other rabbits.

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