Why do you love your rabbits? Here are some of the many reasons why we love ours...
- The brisk, efficient ‘rub-a-dub-dub’ way they bathe themselves 20 times a day
- Their ability to send a strong message with just a simple ear swivel
- Their innate sense of good manners… and the frosty withdrawal when you’ve been impolite
- Their sly sense of humour and mischief… an artfully placed dropping in a high traffic bare feet area, for example
- Their unabashed delight in eating as much as they possibly can, as often as they possibly can
- The inaudible giggles as you survey some damaged item, shake your head and put some protection in place…and then the swift, nonchalant reappraisal and shoulder shrug as they hop away
- Their Victorian approach to courtship… propriety demands that it be long, slow and heavily chaperoned
- Their skill in making an unbelievably loud noise with just a food bowl and a flat surface
- Their belligerent ‘don’t make a fuss, I’m fine’ attitude towards sickness or injury
- Binkies and bunny flops – quite possibly the two cutest things known to mankind
- The way they weld themselves to your feet at the slightest rustle of a bag or the opening of a tin
- Their utter disgust at being handled, brushed, groomed, clipped or otherwise interfered with and humiliated
- The way they let you believe you’ve got them sussed, then casually produce a new trick or character trait just to keep you on your toes
- Their genuine bafflement at being asked not to do something they enjoy doing… and their stubbornness in continuing to do it
- The pitying, slightly disdainful way they look at you sometimes… as if they are assessing your quality of life and concluding that it sucks
- Their love of routine and the incredibly accurate clocks they carry inside their heads
- Evening sociability - lounging, grooming, snacking... and their smug, secure belief that we are watching them instead of the TV
- Their thinly veiled annoyance at being filmed, photographed or otherwise taken advantage of for the purposes of human amusement
- The headlong, manic rush to meet you as you walk through the front door
- Their snooty refusal to perform tricks on demand or even socialise with unappreciative visitors, leaving them scratching their heads and wondering why you love your rabbits so…